Writing Rules

1) MUTALAA Journal publishes the publications of texts, reviews of books, theses, conferences, and symposiums, wafayât articles and scientific interviews copyrighted and translated articles in Turkish, English, and Arabic.

2) It continues publication in e-journal format as two issues (June - December) a year.

3) Copyright Agreement Form must be signed with a blue pen and uploaded to the system as a PDF.

4) Only one article of the same author can be published in the same issue.

5) Ethics Committee approval should be obtained for articles that require Ethics Committee approval, and this approval (committee name, date, and number) should be stated on the first page and in the method section of the article. It should also be added to Dergipark as an additional file.

6) Manuscripts submitted for publication to the journal must be written within the framework of the following principles:

• The submitted text must not have been previously published or submitted to any journal for consideration.
• Scientific responsibility of the articles belongs to the authors. All authors must have actively participated in the study.
• If the submitted article has been presented in any meeting before; The name, date and city of the meeting should be specified.
• Manuscripts must be carefully placed according to the settings specified in MUTALAA's article templates before they are sent to the journal. Authors should not adjust their own files but should embed their article in the template.

Click to download the Turkish research article template.
Click here to download the Arabic research paper template.
Click to download the translations template.
Click here to download the book review template.

In the studies submitted to the journal, the information about the author(s) must be stated as “name-surname, title-institution and province, e-mail address, ORCID ID and ROR ID (https://ror.org/)” indicating the institution information. Title, institution, and province information should also be written in English.
Both Turkish and English abstracts must be included in the research articles sent to the journal. There is no abstract requirement for book introductions.
The title of the article should be written in both Turkish and English just before both the Turkish abstract and the English abstract.
At the beginning of the article, there should be an abstract of at least 150 words containing the subject, purpose, method, findings and conclusion of the article, and keywords between 5-7 words should be included at the end of the abstracts. The first of the keywords should indicate the field of science to which the article belongs, and the words should be ordered from general one to the more specific one.
Footnotes or in-text citations and bibliography should be arranged according to the ISNAD CITATION SYSTEM -2nd EDITION SYSTEM.
Font and paragraph settings and page layout should be as follows: Text font Chaparral Pro / Times New Roman 11 point justified; abstracts, footnotes and bibliography should be 9 pt. Page layout should have 3.5 cm margins from the top, bottom, right and left; no paragraph indent, paragraph spacing should be set to 0 pt first, then 8 pt, line spacing to 1.0 (single). Footnotes should be hanging 0.5 and the first line of footnotes should be indented from the left with the tab key. In the references, there is no paragraph indent, the paragraph spacing should be 0 pt before and after, 1.25 hanging, and the line spacing should be 1.0 (single).
The article volume should not exceed 10,000 words, all inclusive.

7) Before the bibliography, the ethics and contribution rate statement of the researchers, support and acknowledgment statements, if any, and conflict statement should be included.

Ethical Statement: It is declared that scientific and ethical principles have been followed while carrying out and writing this study and that all the sources used have been properly cited.

Author(s) : ………. - …………

Funding: The authors acknowledge that they received no external funding in support of this research.

Author Contributions (In cases where the article is written by more than one person):

Design of the Study: 1st Author (40%), 2nd Author (30%), 3rd Author (30%)

Data Collection: 1st Author (40%), 2nd Author (30%), 3rd Author (30%)

Data Analysis: 1st Author (40%), 2nd Author (30%), 3rd Author (30%)

Writing the Article: 1st Author (40%), 2nd Author (30%), 3rd Author (30%)

Article Submission and Revision: 1st Author (40%), 2nd Author (30%), 3rd Author (30%)

8) It is recommended to pay attention to the following points in book reviews: A book introduction should be a critical examination of a work, not just a summary. The author introducing the book may support or oppose the information and evaluations in the book and may indicate the deficiencies of the work.
It is recommended that book reviews be written in the following order without titling:
Introduction: First of all, the main subject, main purpose, method, claim and approach of the work should be explained.
Summary of the book: In the summary section, information about the main framework of the work should be given, and the prominent aspects of the work and the contributions of the author to the discipline in which he worked should be stated.
Critical discussion: The appropriateness of the method used in this section, the importance of the contribution of the work to the field, the extent to which it fills the gap left by the current studies on the subject, the consistency of the views, the reliability of the presented arguments, whether there are neglected sources, and it clarifies the subject, or the style is clear and fluent, should be questioned. It should be stated to what extent it has modified or deepened the general acceptance, brought a new field of study, a new methodology or a theoretical approach.
Conclusion: Finally, the critical author should include his conclusions about the book, emphasize the strengths and weaknesses of the book, and offer constructive suggestions.
Book reviews should be at least 1000 words. There is no obligation to include a summary at the beginning of the critique.