e-ISSN: 2717-6797
Founded: 2019
Publisher: Mersin University
Cover Image

Turkish Journal of Lidar publishes innovations and applications in Lidar profession with parallel to the developments of science and technology. 

It is an open-access and free journal.

Terrestrial, mobile, airborne laser scanning, UAV laser scanning, 3D modelling, point cloud processing, virtual reality, photogrammetric orientation process will be published.

Turkish Journal of Lidar will be published twice in a year, June and December.

All of the authors of articles have to get an ORCID ID. You can get your ORCID ID from https://orcid.org/signin.


Turkish Journal of  LİDAR was licensed by Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Research Article

Akıllı telefon iPhone LiDAR tarayıcısının altyapı çalışmalarında uygulanabilirliği

Türkiye LiDAR Dergisi