Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

The users of Kilitbahir journal (editor, author, referee, section editor, reader) must comply with the ethical rules and responsibilities specified by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in all transactions. These ethical rules and responsibilities are summarized below.

1. Kilitbahir journal does not charge any fee from the authors in any way.
2. It undertakes to create an independent editorial decision.
3. The editors are responsible for all processes of the studies submitted to Kilitbahir journal. In this context, the decision makers are the editors, regardless of economic or political gains.
4. Kilitbahir magazine protects the property and copyright of each published article and undertakes to keep a record of each published copy.
5. It also keeps the database open to access over the internet.
6. It has the responsibility to take precautions against all kinds of scientific abuse, citation fraud and plagiarism regarding the editors.

1. The Editorial Board of Kilitbahir Magazine (hereinafter, the “Editorial Board”) and the Editors/Deputies are responsible for each article submitted to the Kilitbahir magazine.
2. The Editorial Board ensures the determination and implementation of journal policies such as publication, blind refereeing, evaluation process, and ethical principles.
3. The submission of the article to the referee process by the Editorial Board does not constitute a commitment to publication. Even if the referee process is positive for the publication, the decision of the Editorial Board and the Editors / Assistant Editors is absolutely required.
4. The Editorial Board encourages academic honesty. The Editorial Board ensures the originality of the written works by inspecting these works before publication through the plagiarism prevention program.
5. The Editorial Board always examines allegations of plagiarism and abuse of published articles. For example, if an author has plagiarized other works in his article, used third-party copyrighted material without permission or under-reported in cases where permission is required, the Editorial Board takes various actions, including retracting the article, reporting the issue to the head of the department, dean and/or relevant academic institutions in the institution where the author works. reserves its right.

Editors and field editors of Kilitbahir journal should have the ethical duties and responsibilities specified in the “Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines For Journal Editors” and “Cope Best Practice Guidelines For Journal Editors”. These duties and responsibilities are summarized below.
1. Editors' relations with the Reader
Editors are responsible for considering the feedback from readers, researchers and practitioners about the published studies, and taking necessary actions and responses.
2. Relationship of Editors with Authors
1. Editors make their decision about the article based on the original value of the article, the aims of the journal and ethical rules.
2. The article should include the article with high original value, prepared considering the journal's purposes and ethical rules, into the evaluation process.
3. The editor and the section editor should take into account the positive comments of the referees, unless there is an important justification.
4. Requests and opinions from the authors should be returned with feedback.
3. Relationship of Editors with Reviewers
1. The referees to be appointed should be selected in accordance with the subject of the article.
2. Care should be taken to ensure that there is no conflict of interest or conflict of interest between the referee and the authors.
3. It is responsible for guiding the referees during the article evaluation process and providing the requested information.
4. The editor is obliged to hide the identity information of the author and the referee thanks to blind refereeing.
5. The referees should take the necessary warnings and precautions to evaluate the article in a timely, impartial and scientific manner.
6. Efforts should be made to increase the number of referees for our journal.
4. Relations with the Editors' Advisory Board
Editors should take into account the opinions and suggestions of the advisory board about the articles.
5. Relationship of the Editors with the Journal owner and publisher
Editors' decisions about the article should be independent of the journal owner and publisher.
6. Editors publishing the article
Editors; It is responsible for observing the journal publication principles, journal aims and international standards in the articles to be published in the journal.
7. Retention of personal data
Editors are responsible for not transferring their personal information to third parties without the consent of the article authors.
8. Ethics committee, human and animal rights
Editors are responsible for protecting human and animal rights, in case the content of the article includes studies on humans and animals. It is responsible for rejecting the article if ethics committee approval is not sent for studies that require an ethics committee report.

9. Protection of intellectual property rights

Editors are responsible for protecting the intellectual property rights of all articles submitted and published to the journal.
10. Complaints to Editors
Editors are responsible for giving clear and enlightening answers to complaints from referees, authors and readers.
11. Conflicts of interest and relationships
Editors are responsible for taking precautions against conflicts of interest that may arise between authors, referees and third parties in order to complete the impartial and independent evaluation processes of the articles.

1. Reviewers evaluate the works regardless of the origin, gender, sexual orientation or political philosophy of the authors. Reviewers also provide a fair blind peer review process for the evaluation of manuscripts submitted to the journal.
2. All information about the articles sent to the journal is kept confidential. Reviewers should not negotiate with anyone other than those authorized by the editor.
3. Referees; authors, funders, editors, etc. There is no conflict of interest with such parties.
4. Reviewers assist editors in decision making and may also assist authors in improving manuscripts.
5. An objective decision evaluation is always made by the referees. Reviewers express their views clearly, with appropriate supporting arguments.
6. Reviewers should also notify the editor of any significant similarity or overlap between any other published article to their knowledge and the text submitted to the journal.

1. Authors prepare and submit their work as original.
2. The authors ensure that the citations and citations they have made in the articles they submit are correct and complete.
3. Authors are required to state and explain situations where there may be a conflict of interest in the articles they submit.
4. The editor may request raw data from the author by the referee and the section editor. Therefore, the author should have the raw data of his article ready to present.
5. Authors should not submit the same work for publication in any other journal. Submitting the same study to more than one journal simultaneously constitutes unethical behavior and is unacceptable.
6. Appropriate references should be given to the work of others. Authors should cite publications that have been influential in determining their work. All sources used in the study process should be specified.
7. All sources of financial support should be disclosed. All authors must disclose any conflict of interest involved in the creation of their work.
8. When an author discovers a serious error or inaccuracy in a published article, he should notify the journal editor without delay. In this case, the author is responsible for cooperating with the journal editor in retracting or publishing a correction to the article.
9. Ethics committee approval must be obtained separately for studies conducted and for studies on clinical and experimental humans and animals that require an ethics committee decision, and this approval must be stated and documented in the article.

If you notice a significant error or inaccuracy in an article published in Kilitbahir magazine, or if you encounter unethical behavior or content other than the ethical responsibilities mentioned above, please report it to via e-mail.

While the Ethics Statement of Kilitbahir magazine is being prepared; With the “Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines For Journal Editors” and “Cope Best Practice Guidelines For Journal Editors” published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Theosophia Journal, Turkish Religious Education Research Journal, KADER Kalam Studies Journal, Iğdır University Science The publication and ethical principles of the Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, the International Journal of Mountaineering and Climbing and the Üsküdar University Journal of Social Sciences were used.

Plagiarism Policy

The plagiarism/similarity rate determined by the Editorial Board is 24%. Manuscripts exceeding this rate are rejected without being included in the referee process.
During plagiarism control, the relevant field editor uses the programs produced for plagiarism/similarity control and presents the results to the editor as a report. The service/program used for plagiarism/similarity control is the program called iThenticate, which we use within Çanakkale 18 Mart University. For detailed information .

Creative Commons License 

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Our journal, which was published as Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Journal of Theology Faculty, changed its name to Kilitbahir as of August 1, 2019.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.