Writing Rules

1. GIBTU Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Sırat Journal is a peer-reviewed and free journal published twice a year in the fields of Islamic sciences, social sciences and humanities, in May and November.
2. The publication language of the journal is Turkish. Studies in Arabic, English and Persian are also published.
3. Scientific, legal and linguistic responsibility of the articles published in the journal belong to the authors, and the published articles cannot be partially or completely printed, reproduced and transferred to the electronic environment without the permission of the publisher.
4. The articles to be sent must not have been previously published in another journal or sent for publication.
5. Photocopies of the original texts should be attached to the translation, simplification and transcription manuscripts. In addition, the book cover image should be added to the book promotion and evaluations in JPEG format.
6. Manuscripts to be published should be sent to our journal via the Dergipark system. Those who have problems despite the explanations in the article submission guide can send their problems to our journal's e-mail address “siratdergi@gibtu.edu.tr”.
7. At the beginning of the articles, there should be an abstract in Turkish and English between 150-200 words and 5 keywords each.
8. References should be added at the end of the articles. In non-Turkish articles, the bibliography should also be written in Latin letters.
9. The format to be followed in the submitted manuscripts:
a. The Turkish and English titles of the article should be written in bold, while the other main and sub-titles should be written in bold, aligned to the left.
b. The margins of A4 size should be 5.4 cm top and bottom, 4.5 cm right and left.
c. The body text should be formatted in 12 pt and 1.15 spacing, the footnote text should be 10 pt, the main text paragraph indent should be 1 cm, the paragraph spacing should be formatted in Times New Roman font, first 0 pt and then 6 pt.
d. References carriage return indentation should be 1 cm hanging.
e. In the footnotes and bibliography, starting from the 2nd issue, the Isnad Citation System (2nd Edition) unique to the field of Theology is used.
Example Footnote: ♦First Occurrence ● Next Occurrence
Book♦ Doğan Kaplan, Alevism According to Written Sources, (Ankara: Diyanet Foundation Publications, 2010), 257.
● Kaplan, Alevism According to Written Sources, 250-257.
Article♦ Ahmet Yaman, “Is Fiqh Procedure Completed?”, Marmara University Faculty of Theology Journal 57/57 (December 2019), 30.
● Yaman, “Has the Fiqh Procedure Completed Its Function?”, 30.
Encyclopedia ♦ Cemal Kurnaz, “Dâr”, Turkish Religious Foundation Encyclopedia of Islam, (Ankara: TDV Publications, 1993), 8/482.
● Kurnaz, “Dâr”, 8/482.
Thesis ♦ Abdullah Demir, The Kalam Method of Abu Ishaq Zahid es-Saffâr (Sivas: Cumhuriyet University, Social Sciences Institute, PhD Thesis, 2014), 122.
● Demir, The Kalam Method of Zahid es-Saffâr, 22.
Example Bibliography:
♦Demir, Abdullah. The Kalam Method of Abu Ishaq Zahid al-Saffar. Sivas: Cumhuriyet University, Institute of Social Sciences, PhD Thesis, 2014.
♦Tiger, Dogan. Alevism According to Written Sources. Istanbul: Diyanet Foundation Publications, 1st Edition, 2010.
♦Cunning, Cemal. "Narrow". Turkish Diyanet Foundation's Encyclopedia of Islam. 8/482-483. Ankara: TDV Publications, 1993.
♦Yaman, Ahmet. “Is Fiqh Procedure Completed Its Function?”. Journal of Marmara University Faculty of Theology 57/57 (December 2019), 25-46. https://doi.org/XXXXXXXXXX
*Other features related to footnotes and bibliography, abbreviations, tables and figures, translation and quotation rules from manuscripts…etc. For more detailed information, the address https://www.isnadsistemi.org/guide/isnad2/ can be used.
10. Articles are sent to two referees who are experts in their fields.
11. The final decision on the publication of the articles is made by the Journal Editorial Board.
12. Articles should not exceed 45 pages excluding the imprint page. The number of pages in translated articles can be more than 45.