Writing Rules

Rules to be Followed in the Articles to be Submitted to the DEU Faculty of Theology Journal

(1) The articles submitted to the journal will be examined formally by the Editorial Board first and if it is deemed appropriate to be published in the journal, they will be sent to a field expert peer for content review.
(2) Articles should not have been previously published in another publication.
(3) If the sent letter is a paper and has not been published in the booklet, the place, and date of submission will be evaluated.
(4) The length of the articles sent to the journal should not exceed 35 pages in our journal format with the bibliography. The articles should be as follows:

- Page structure

Top: 6 cm

Left: 4.5 cm

Bottom: 4.8 cm

Right: 4.5 cm

- Character:

English: Garamound (Main Text size: 12, Summary size: 11, Footnote size: 10)

Arabic: Traditional Arabic (Main Text size: 13, Footnote size: 11)

- Line spacing: Single (Main Text and Footnote)

- Paragraph spacing: Main Text (0nk first, then 6nk), Footnote (3nk first, then 3nk)

(5) Manuscripts should be written with Microsoft Word editor in order to facilitate complete and flawless typesetting, editing and similar works.
(6) Abstracts should be added to the beginning of the articles in Turkish and foreign languages, provided that they do not exceed 150 (one hundred and fifty) words.
(7) The keywords that indicate the main theme of the articles and to be scanned on the internet should be placed under the abstract.
(8) Footnotes should be given in the format below:

Example: Demir, Abdullah. “Mâtürîdî imilimi Ebû İshâk Zâhid es-Saffâr's Kalam Defense.” Cumhuriyet Theology Journal 20/1 (June 2016): 445-502.

(9) Writing the Author's Name, Institution and E-Mail Address

Professor Dr. …. ... University, Faculty of Theology, Department of Kalam
Sivas, Turkey salihdemir @ ...... edu.tr orcid.org/0000-0001-7825-6573

(10) Our journal uses the Isnad Citation Style.

Religious Studies Journal